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The 2017 Social Media Image & Video Size Guide

The 2017 Social Media Image & Video Size Guide

As we have learned, sharing photos and video are an integral part of your success in marketing on social media. Sizing images correctly in each platform is crucial for the images to appear the way you want them across different platforms and devices. Here is a look at a detailed guide on social media image…Click to read more >

Instagram Video Carousel Ads Now Available to All Advertisers

Instagram announced earlier this month that it was beta-testing the addition of video to carousel ads, and the feature was made available to all advertisers Friday. Carousel ads on Instagram can contain up to five elements—videos and photos—with videos capped at 60 seconds. Instagram said in an Instagram for Business blog post announcing the launch that…Click to read more >

Making Page Management Easier in Facebook with Apps

Facebook has been adding apps that make page management easier. Check out these new additions: Facebook Camera facebook.com/mobile/camera In May, Facebook launched an app that many had expected after its acquisition of lnstagram earlier this year: a photo sharing app just for Facebook. Originally released as “Facebook Camera,” the app is also known as “Camera”…Click to read more >

Social Merchandising

so•cial mer,chan•dis•ing \so-shl\ mur-chuhn-dahy-zing Whereas marketing is focused more on brand image, customer engagement, and promotions, merchandising is focused more directly trying to convert browsers into buyers. This includes deciding what customers want, often by asking the social network, and deciding how to position products to the social network.   Merchandising Isn’t Enough Just when…Click to read more >

How to Gain Followers on Instagram

Instagram I’m sure after reading my article in the July/August issue of WebCents, you signed on to Instagram and started posting beautiful photos from around your shop. So now you may be thinking, OK, I have all these great photos, now I need people to see them. You’re right! What follows are five of the…Click to read more >

Advertising With Facebook Offers

Facebook Offers, a new form of online advertising, may be the closest thing yet to a measurable, ROI-positive ad platform for small retailers. But will it remain that way? If you’re like most small business owners, you need to manage your advertising spending carefully. And if you’re the owner of an online business, you are…Click to read more >

Business Building with Blog Tours

If you’ve ventured into the quilting blogosphere, you’ve probably come across the occasional blog tour. Blog tours come in many different forms, but essentially they are a series of posts scheduled on different blogs within a short time period designed to promote something. The most common blog tours are for book releases, as publishers and…Click to read more >

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