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Social Media articles

Driving Results with Sponsored Ads on Facebook

Driving Results with Sponsored Ads on Facebook

FB advertising is alive and well – here’s why. Facebook serves more than 2.9 billion monthly active users, and that number is expected to grow by another 5.04% by 2028. Even more impressive (and concerning) is the amount of data the Meta (Facebook) collects on every user. Some of that data is available to marketers…Click to read more >

Disclosures 101 for Social Media Influencers

Disclosures 101 for Social Media Influencers

As online retailers – were are naturally focused on promoting the products we offer. We share them on our social posts, reels, lives – and more. If we are purchasing, stocking, and then shipping those products one set of rules applies. If we are promoting those same products but directing shoppers to the product supplier’s…Click to read more >

Setting Social Media Goals – Video

Setting social media goals – a video from Hubspot. As online retailers, we know how important our social media presence is to growing our business – or do we? Do we know if our efforts are paying off? Are we posting content without knowing how it’s being received? Is our social content tied back to…Click to read more >

You Don’t Need an Audience – You Need a Community (Video)

Working hard to build your audience? Concerned about growing your follower count on (any social platform)? You don’t need an audience. You need a community according to social media strategist Katie Steckly.  What’s the difference between an audience and a community?     An audience is a one-to-many communication That communication is primarily one way.…Click to read more >

Cheat Sheet for WordPress

The Complete Social Media Cheat Sheet for WordPress (Updated)

With so many online retailers using WordPress as the platform for their online business – it makes sense to take a look at resources for WordPress users. I’ve found lots of helpful advice from the folks over at WPbeginner.com – starting with this guide to setting up social profiles. Not only do they provide a…Click to read more >

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