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Retailing articles

What to Know Before Choosing a Payment Provider

What to Know Before Choosing a Payment Provider

Choosing the right payment processor for your business is one of the most important decisions you make when setting up your ecommerce website. And once you’re up and running, ensuring you have the right payment gateway to suit your business only grows in importance. To make an informed decision, you’ll need to get caught up…Click to read more >

One-Click Methods to Pay at Checkout

Every business owner wants shoppers to come to their website and buy something. Once they’ve done that, how do you keep them coming back? Amit Mathradas, the general manager and head of North American small business at PayPal, tells us about some e-commerce quick fixes to improve the customer experience. Click below to watch the…Click to read more >

How to Create the Perfect Checkout Page [Infographic]

by Susannah Morris at Hubspot.com | September 15, 2015 68% of all ecommerce visitors abandon their shopping carts – leaving $4 trillion of abandoned merchandize behind. But don’t despair – according to BI Intelligence, roughly 2.5 trillion (or 63%) of this is potentially recoverable. The top three reasons that people gave for abandoning their carts…Click to read more >

5 Tips for Maximizing Your Search Engine Optimization

As a website owner, you understand that your goal is to maximize the amount of qualified traffic to your website. Although referrals and word-of-mouth can be great sources for customers, the real Holy Grail of the Internet is Search Listings (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). Through some effort, you can get your site in front of…Click to read more >

Understanding Search Algorithms and How They Impact Your Website

In SEO we often refer to a search engine’s algorithm. But, what is an algorithm and how does it impact your website? By definition, it is a step-by-step procedure to determine a calculation. It’s a formula. Search engines use a formula to rank websites based, in part, on particular keywords or phrases. Search engines have…Click to read more >

Introduction to Paid Search

My previous articles have all discussed organic search optimization of your website. I thought we should start to explore the paid side of search. So, what is the difference between organic and paid search? Organic and paid search listings both appear on the same page of the search engine, and can originate from the same…Click to read more >

Increasing Traffic to Your Website

In previous articles, I’ve talked about how to improve your website so people will want to stay awhile and shop; we’ve covered website merchandising, cross merchandising, social merchandising, creating value, and how to manage your reputation so your customers will return again and again. Let’s back up a bit now and think about what we…Click to read more >

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