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Author Archives: Deb Messina

The One Email Metric You Should Be Tracking

The One Email Metric You Should Be Tracking

Do you keep track of your email metrics? I’m talking about things like Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Unsubscribes, Sales, etc. Clearly, these numbers are important – but do they give you a real sense of how your copy is connecting with the readers of your newsletter? I learned about a different kind of email…Click to read more >

Create Marketing Content – with an AI Content Generator

What is all the “AI” buzz about – and how can we use it to improve our content creation and reduce the amount of time it takes to create that content? Why does this matter? For this article, I focus specifically on AI tools that help generate content for posts, articles, product descriptions, and other…Click to read more >

Setting Social Media Goals – Video

Setting social media goals – a video from Hubspot. As online retailers, we know how important our social media presence is to growing our business – or do we? Do we know if our efforts are paying off? Are we posting content without knowing how it’s being received? Is our social content tied back to…Click to read more >

Increase Sales by Adding Short Videos to Your Product Listings

INCREASE SALES BY ADDING SHORT VIDEOS TO YOUR PRODUCT LISTINGS We humans are visual creatures and most of us are increasingly busy. In general, we respond well to images (still or animated). That’s especially true if it means we can get the information we want – quickly – without having to read a lot of…Click to read more >

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