As a website owner, you understand that your goal is to maximize the amount of qualified traffic to your website. Although referrals and word-of-mouth can be great sources for customers, the real Holy Grail of the Internet is Search Listings (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). Through some effort, you can get your site in front of…Click to read more >
Understanding Search Algorithms and How They Impact Your Website
In SEO we often refer to a search engine’s algorithm. But, what is an algorithm and how does it impact your website? By definition, it is a step-by-step procedure to determine a calculation. It’s a formula. Search engines use a formula to rank websites based, in part, on particular keywords or phrases. Search engines have…Click to read more >
The Do’s and Don’ts of SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a moving target and requires continuous learning, tweaking, and updating. In previous articles, we discussed key steps of SEO and the process of selecting your keywords. I think now is a good time to step back and outline some of the Dos and Don’ts in the SEO process. I want…Click to read more >