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Top 10 Marketing Tips for 2024

As we move through the first quarter of 2024 – it feels like a great time to take a look at how trends in consumer expectations impact the marketing of our businesses. The team at Constant Contact has compiled a list of the Top 10 Marketing Tips based on their analysis of the marketing landscape and best practices in 2024.


Their list of 2024 marketing tips includes:

[1] Look for opportunities to diversify – identify niche sub-channels where you can cut through the noise without breaking the marketing budget.

[2] Embrace paid social – Social platforms have made it clear that paid promotion is a must if you want to get visibility.

[3] Focus on your existing content – repurpose it, repackage it, and break it up into smaller, shareable bits.

[4] Nurture brand advocates – incentivize your best, most social customers to spread the word about your brand.

[5] Constantly optimize user experience – this includes improving website speed, navigation, and mobile accessibility.

[6] Connect online and offline strategies – create a consistent customer experience everywhere they interact with your brand.

[7] Prioritize authenticity – keep it real, (mistakes and all) in live content. Show customers that there are humans behind the brand.

[8] Create a memorable message – interesting, relatable stories that support the brand.

[9] Build partnerships – collaborate with others in your industry to reach new audiences and gain social proof.

[10] Make performance analysis an ongoing strategy – make adjustments based on performance data.


Read the entire article: Top 10 Marketing Tips for 2024

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